HomePlaystationGran Turismo Reviews & Ratings

Gran Turismo (Playstation) Reviews & Ratings

Reviews, Ratings, and Professional Opinions


I didn't get interested in this game for a while. I always heard great things about it, but didn't care. Boy was I stupid. This game is absolutely incredible. If you can't drive yet, this is the closest you will get.

There are two modes, Simulation and Arcade. In arcade, you just drive around, nothing special. While in Simulation, you have to go through every thing. Fist you need to get you license. Then with the money you have, you need to buy a car. Then you can race. Every time you come in first, you get a cash prize and a Limited Addition Car. There is used cars, new cars, and special racing cars. For every car you have, you can sell it, upgrade it, or even give it a car wash!!

The graphics a re incredible. Very realistic. The cars each drive in a depictive way, just like they do in real life.

Rating: 9.7/10

Gran Turismo is the best racing game ever.