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XCOM 2 (Xbox One) Cheats & Tips
Your guide for cheat codes, tips, hacks and walkthroughs
- Earth Avenged (20 points): Overthrow the aliens at any difficulty level.
- Defender of Humanity (30 points): Overthrow the aliens on Commander difficulty.
- Immortal Commander (50 points): Overthrow the aliens on Legend difficulty.
- Tinker (10 points): Build an experimental item in the Proving Grounds.
- Rise of the Resistance (10 points): Make contact with a region.
- First Blood (10 points): Complete the tactical tutorial.
- Rebel Radio (10 points): Build Resistance Comms.
- Codebreaker (10 points): Build the Shadow Chamber.
- Room to Grow (10 points): Upgrade a facility.
- Shadow Broker (20 points): Sell goods worth 1000 supplies to the Black Market (Can span multiple games).
- Rumor Hunter (10 points): Complete a Rumor.
- A Horrible Truth (10 points): Recover the Blacksite Data.
- A Grim Key (10 points): Recover a Codex Brain.
- A Dark Doorway (10 points): Recover the Psi Gate.
- A Line Crossed (10 points): Complete the Avatar Autopsy.
- A God Falls (10 points): Kill an Avatar.
- Meat Over Metal (20 points): Kill a Sectopod on the same turn you encounter it (in Single Player).
- Like Clockwork (15 points): Complete a successful ambush.
- Mechlord (20 points): Hack a Sectopod.
- Nick of Time (20 points): Evacuate a soldier whose bleed-out timer is still running.
- Locked and Loaded (10 points): Upgrade a weapon.
- Excalibur (20 points): Completely upgrade a beam weapon with superior grade weapon upgrades.
- David and Goliath (20 points): Kill a Berserker in melee combat.
- Breathing Room (20 points): Kill a Viper who is strangling a squadmate.
- Come Back To Me (20 points): Kill a Sectoid who is currently mind controlling a squadmate.
- Stop Hitting Yourself (20 points): Kill an enemy with a hacked turret.
- Shen's Legacy (20 points): Build a facility in every Avenger slot.
- Bring It Down (10 points): Sabotage an alien facility.
- Have a Nice Trip (20 points): Cause an enemy to fall to its death.
- Car Wrecked (20 points): Cause an enemy to die in a vehicle explosion.
- Exquisite Timing (40 points): Beat the game on Commander+ difficulty by July 1st.
- Who Needs Tygan? (30 points): Beat the final mission using only conventional gear.
- The Few and the Proud (40 points): Beat the game on Commander+ difficulty without buying a Squad Size upgrade.
- The Untouchables (40 points): Beat the game on Commander+ without losing a soldier.
- Pile 'Em Up (20 points): Kill 500 aliens (does not have to be in same game).
- The Most Dangerous Game (20 points): Play in a multiplayer match.
- Overpowered (35 points): Beat a mission on Commander+ with a squad of soldiers only of the same class (but not Rookie).
- Heroes of the Resistance (15 points): Beat a Retaliation mission with 3 or less civilian deaths.
- Cyberlord (10 points): Earn a second tier hack reward.
- Heavy Metal (30 points): Kill an enemy with every heavy weapon in the game (doesn't have to be in the same game).
- The Sun Never Sets (30 points): Build a radio relay on every continent.
- Global Resistance (30 points): Get all of the continent bonuses available in a single campaign.
- Beginner's Luck (30 points): Beat a mission in June or later using only Rookies.
- Brutal Collection (30 points): Skulljack each different type of ADVENT soldier (does not have to be in same game).
- With Extreme Prejudice (10 points): Skulljack an ADVENT Officer.
- A Better Human Being (10 points): Recover the Forge Item.
- A Final Stand (10 points): Create the Commander's Avatar.
- Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (10 points): Apply a PCS upgrade to a soldier.
- Now Am I Become Death (15 points): Kill 3 enemies in a single turn, with a single soldier, without explosives.
- Valhalla (50 points): Beat the game on Commander+ difficulty in Ironman mode.